
10 Facts About Tin Concepcion

How Well Do You Know Me?

Here are 10 facts about me!

10. I hate rain. 

Literally I really hate rain. I hate the fact that I'll get wet. I hate when the ground is wet because that would simply mean that I have to clean up the mess. I hate the smell of rain kasi parang labada na hindi natuyo haha. And my outdoor activities will be postponed not to mention rain ruins my ootd haha. And you know how OC (obssessive compulsive) sometimes I can be hehe. 

9. I love sweets sobra! 

There's not a day that I'm not looking and craving for sweets. After meals I always crave for desserts. And my favorite is ice cream! I know I have to tone down my sweet intakes because it might lead to diabetes. But I just can't help it hehe maybe that's why I'm such a sweet person haha. And if you're gonna make me choose between flowers or chocolates I'll definitely go for the chocolates! 

8. I'm competitive. 

When it comes to school academics I'm really quite competitive. I always want to be on top so I have this no below 90 GPA policy. I like to pressure myself so much haha. I also engage myself to clubs and other co curricular activities because I'm not used to not doing anything social. 

7. I'm a business minded person.

I love earning and gaining profits from my small business and gigs. I even dream of putting up a business like hotel, cafe or a lending corporation and become a business tycoon someday but I didn't take up a business course haha! 

6. I have a calling to become a nun.

I have moles in my body wherein if you connect them forms into a cross. Starting from my upper lip, down to my neck, left and right shoulder, in between my chest (which by the way looks like a snake bite), and below my navel. I also have dreams where everything was bright and a particular "Gabriel" appeared and told me to "Spread the word of God" but it was too bright to clearly see his face. But lol can you imagine me becoming a nun who wears crop top and slits? 

 I want everything to be organized. 

I can be a perfectionist at times. And because I have so many activities, I always put my schedules and things to do on a planner. I tend to be forgetful when I'm too busy so keeping a planner is the right way to do it. Also, I don't like it when my surrounding is messy, I get pissed off easily hehe. 

 4. I am very makulit (annoying) and pasaway (naughty). 

I do the most stupid and random thing when I get comfortable with someone. So don't get surprised if I laugh too loud all the time or throw pranks at you or tag you along with my weirdness because that's normal me. If I don't do those things I mentioned and I'm all silent, it's either something's wrong and I'm bothered or just plain hungry. 

 3. The smell of batchoy makes me dizzy. 

I don't know why but you can never make me eat batchoy again. 

2. I seek adventure. 

I'm always game for roadtrips! I love trying out something new like rappelling and wall climbing. I love beaches but I hate getting dark haha. Most of all I love travelling! It helps me unwind, see new places and meet new people. 

1. NBSB. 

"Huh? Weh? Really?" That's the reaction I always get when people ask me if I'm in a relationship. A lot of people thought I had one or had been into a relationship but they're all dead wrong. I would like to take relationships seriously (in the future) but as of now it's not really on top of my priority list. And having a boyfriend is bawal pa (said my mom and family) I have a lot of dreams and goals that I wanted to reach and to make happen so I don't have time for love life (I don't even have time for sleep! Haha!) I'm more focused on my studies and career and making money out of it.

So here are just 10 facts about me that you probably didn't know! I am a universe of secrets that you have yet to discover! 


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