
JaDine "Never Not Love You" Movie Review

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Warning: Don't read if you don't like spoilers because there will be a lot of it in here! Don't say I didn't warn you.

The story is very simple, a dilemma between love or career? What would you choose? Can you take loosing one or the other? Can you let go of your dreams for the love of your life?

Gio and Joanne. This is the character being played by James Reid and Nadine Lustre. The story is like any other typical love stories out there; heartaches, heartbreaks, the struggle of long distance relationships. If you've been into LDR then you already have an idea how this one goes. 

Gio is one of those free spirited guys. The one who doesn't really care about having a stable job as long as he gets to do his own "thing" which makes him happy and it involves a lot of crazy art tattoos and there he meets Joanne, an ambitious achiever who aims to be promoted as brand manager in the company she works at to give better support for her family.

They've met and eventually fell in love (I'm not explaining how they fell in love just watch the movie if you haven't). They became lovey-dovey and all that but good things always come to an end right?

So here's where the problem started..Gio got a call from his dad saying that he won't support him anymore (there will be a lot of cursing on that scene..I wonder if James got tired of saying those while filming considering how many takes they did.) So what does he do because he needs to pay for his monthly rent and expenses and he's only a freelance artist? Pretty hard, right?

He's so carefree and dependent! He loses his cool. Joanne pushed him to accept the offer to work in London. Problem solved? Not yet. Gio doesn't want to accept it because he doesn't want to be away from Joanne. How cute right? I want to throw and hit Gio for him to come to his senses! We are talking practicality here and clearly he's too in love to even see that! 

But hey, Joanne has a good idea! Hopefully this will solve their separation anxiety problem. Both of them will apply for London and they could work  there together and live happily ever after, the end. Or so that's how they thought. Joanne was not accepted which means Gio will go to London alone. But separation anxiety kicks in again and Joanne resigned from her job just when she is about to be promoted and that is her dream.

She let go of it all for Gio because that's how much she wants to be with him. And so they go to London and yup they're happy! Gio loves his work and gets paid for 2000 pounds! Big enough for the both of them. But Joanne doesn't have a job there so she gets lonely. She started looking for office work but eventually ended up as a trainee in a cafe.

For some times they were okay until Joanne realizes that London is not for her. She misses her job back home (she got a decent job already and it's bigger than her salary in the Philippines in my opinion..I just don't get it why she wants to go home). 

Joanne talked everything over Gio but they just ended up blaming each other's selfishness. Their relationship wasn't perfect just like any other else's but hey love is the most powerful thing in the world, right? Joanne went back to the Philippines and Gio stayed in London.

They found a way to make things work for a time. But of course there will always be trust issues in a relationship, so Gio and Joanne had this big fight (it was tiring watching them fight really, Gio was so immature and I was annoyed in my seat like are you gonna text each other or what? fix everything or just breakup?) 

So I'll cut things short, I'm not gonna tell you how the story ends I'll just critique their acting, They both played their roles very well.  I can see they have improved a lot from their first film together starting with Diary ng Panget, to venturing into more bolder roles such as this. I liked how the movie Never Not Love You showed the conflicts residing  in a long distance relationship. You've got to give trust, love, time and a whole lot of it because if you're not committed you can say goodbye to your relationship faster than lightning.

The story will give you an idea on how to work things when you're in LDR and insights regarding your priorities. I just hope that couples will value each other more. The story gives us dilemma whether to choose love over career but if there are things that I've learned from this film is that whatever you do in life make sure it is right for you and not for your friends, not for your family or for anyone else. Do what's best for you, otherwise you'll end up in a very unhappy place.


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